Ah yes I knew there was something I had forgot, it was you lot.
Honestly if you were my children that would have been it, off to the big house for neglect!
But you know me by now, bit of a media ninja.....
now you see me,

now you don't.....

No honest it is.
So what have I been up to for ssssooooooo long a time?
Mind- I have completed my horticulture degree...Phew!
I have completed the first part of teacher training..Double phew!!
I have signed up for the second part of teacher training ...Aaargh!!
Body- I have completed knee physio... Yay!
I have broken down again after slippage incident (beer may or may not have been involved) Boo!
Grown a large and somewhat expensive prudence around my waist. (See Above brackets)
Work- Completed nearly a year back working, picked up loads of new customers and worked like a dog trying to keep them all happy.... bad move, some people want blood. They can have it...THEIR OWN!!
Ran a short 4 week course at my local Horticulture college... Awesome!
Got a call back to run 3, yes count them 3! courses as of September WAHAY.
Spend the next 3 weeks breaking the hearts of a number of "ladies of a certain age", giving them notice of my quitting....there will not be a dry eye in the house!
Planning the 3, yes count em, 3 courses running concurrently for the next 12 months....poop!
Play- Spend the next 10 days with the in-laws!! Easier said than done....drat!
Spend 10 days in North Wales, no not the pretty bit, the wart on the syphilitic arse-hole that is Holyhead... I hate that place!
Sit for the next 10 days dreaming of my week in the mountains and lakes of the beautiful environs of Montenegro in October.... bliss! (beer may be involved)
So as you can see, lots more of the usual rubbish and a number of good thing have happened along the way, I am sure to bore you with the details some more in the near future.
Its been fun just lurking and dropping the odd comment now and again but like the creepy uncle that turns up at weddings and funerals smelling of cheap liquor, cheap aftershave and even cheaper hookers ....
Oh hello,
look at you,
your all grown up now!

I will be seeing you.
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