Yes it really is a grown man singing and dancing like Mary Poppins, this is not something new to those of you who frequent "those" type of clubs but in our house the phrase "Bear with a sore head" is generally the best way to describe my default setting over the past 5 1/2 weeks.
I dearly love my children but when it turns out that I have been the sole carer and house keeper and cook and cleaner and trying working 40 hours a week then the "Summer Holidays" are anything but a holiday. At least today I had a wee without some one wandering in asking where his Lego mini figures were, a cup of tea without the requests for a recreation of Lady GaGas latest hair style and 30 seconds at the computer where I wasn't mobbed by demands to watch "the worlds cutest puppy" or the "Annoying Orange".
All Is quiet, no Rhianna blasting from the kids room about what sexual antics she has been/would like to do to some unfortunate/fortunate guy.
No continual loop of Pingu dvd's.
No volley of screams, chases and cries of "she hit me!", "He bit me!" and "I'm telling!!!!"
Yes peace reigns and I can feel the icy iron grip loosen ever so slightly across my chest.
Its great when the kids go back to school. Time to do what I want to do when I want to do it.
Too Much Time ON My Hands!!!!
Holy crap that all sounds exhausting. I think being a parent in any capacity must be exhausting, let alone a single carer, so I am full of admiration. I don't have kids and have never wanted to have them mainly because I like drinking wine, staying up late, doing nothing on weekends and doing generally non kid friendly things like doing what I want when I want and not dealing with other people's poo. So when I hear of people like you who fall with young kids all the time I'm full of admiration. Horror too but mainly admiration. :-) Good you enjoyed the quiet cuppa at least, dude.
Hello :-)
Hope you don't get into too much mischief!
I hope you hid your happiness from your children. They tend to resent it when their parents take pleasure in their misfortunes.
Have you ever thought about boarding school?
I know I have.
Veg-You dont know what your missing....oh wait a minute yes you do.
Suze-Put it this way..Prince Harry, pah, Amateur!!
GB-I saved it up for the walk back home, High 5ing all the other parents.
Steve-They wont have me, I asked. Something to do with it being an all girls 6th form school. Ding Dong!!(in my very best Leslie Phillips)
speaking of mary poppins...... did yiu see those 50 flying Mary Poppins(es)in the Olympic Opening ceremony!?
loved it ( and them)
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