On the school run each morning we pass a very wonky wall that has been threatening to fall over at any second for the last 12 months. Its about 5 or 6 feet high and was constructed by any old bits of brick and stone to hand back in about 1960. It leans out at such an angle that you have to step out into the road to walk past it. Its adjacent to a very narrow pavement and if the wall was to fall would land in a narrow street that is a used as a bit of a rat run during rush hour both morning and evening.
Imagine then our surprise to see last week the wall being dismantled brick by dusty brick as we drove past on our first day of school and over the past week or so it was completely removed and the earth behind dug back and a brand spanking new wall built. Yesterday as we passed the wall had been rendered and with its first coat was dry ready for the final coat of render to be applied. As we drove by today we saw that the builders had indeed been busy applying a smooth flawless finish to what now is a proud piece of construction.
However as we came to the end of the wall, because its about 40feet long my youngest(5) read out these letters gouged out of the render about 3 feet high.....
"That wall is built by a CUNT dad!!"

After nearly crashing the car and the two eldest kids in hysterics, I then had a 15minute "chat" about words that are "not nice".
Kids hey!!!
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