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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Dirty Rat!


I looked out of the patio doors and there it was....

 The little furry rodent just sat there eating away at a tray of sunflower seedlings! He obviously had seen me but decided that I posed little threat.....Ha how wrong!! 

Think again Ratfink!

I picked up a big old piece of paving stone and hurled it at him and crash splat!!!

Missed him by a country mile, 
Scored a direct hit though on a newly bought ceramic pot full of expensive day lillies. That £45 for the pot and £15 for the plants.

RATS!!  Indeed

At least I scared him off...........or so I thought but 5mins later he was back quite happily scurrying about looking at the broken pot as if I had done that for his benefit.
I swear he turned and looked at me with his beady little eye and  gave a little ratty wink!



p.s I over heard my neighbours arguing about who should clear out their shed the other day, the wife called the husband a pussy for being scared of a few mice.....HAH mice?? Rats my dear!  thanks!!


VEG said...

That looks like a HAMSTER!!! :)

joebloggs said...

Veg-You didnt send Dexter on vaycay did you?

Gorilla Bananas said...

If you get a cat, make sure it's a mean one. Some domesticated pussies run a mile when they see a rat.

joebloggs said...

GB-Do you know any tigers?

Steve said...

Hate to say this but there is no such thing as a lone rat. He'll have back-up on standby. You want war, you got war.

Question is, soldier: can you handle the war?

joebloggs said...

steve-Got the big guns out, battle lines have been drawn and snipers are on the roof!