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Now, Got my keys, locked the door, turned the gas off...I just can't think what I'm forgetting? |
As the weather has been so nice here these last few days summer seems to have come (lets hope not gone too) all of a sudden. The air is thick with the smoke of BBQ's and the recycling boxes overflowing with empty cans of Fosters. The noise was deafening on Wednesday morning when the bin man emptied the bottle box, a 1000 empty Pinot Griggio tumbled into the bin lorry. The sun beat down and temperatures soared to 22degrees that is 74degrees in "old money" so naturally thoughts turned to out door sports. Our local park has three all weather tennis courts, they are a mix of tarmac gravel and glass but give them their due the locals being the tough breed that they are play on without complaint. Although the Tennis "Season" usually lasts the two weeks in June that Wimbledon is on the telly, you cant for the life of you get a go on the courts at the moment. So as its the holidays and the girls have been going on about playing I decide to treat them to a game at the local tennis club, they have very nice grass courts locked away behind 25ft metal fence with razor wire along the top.
Call me a tight fisted old miser if you like but £20.00 for an hour is a little extortionate, especially when, and I am being gracious when I say, they stood there swinging the racquet around like they were swatting fly's. In the hour they must have hit the ball 10 times, 3 times the ball managed to clear the fence, 6 times it went on the next court and only once did it clear the net and land within the lines. Not the calmest hour of my life trying to get them to hit the ball back to me without either injuring themselves or doing little girly screams and jumping out the way when ball came near them.
Have you noticed that as soon as the sun comes out all the pretty girls appear? Well with this in mind I wore my best mirrored shade's to the tennis club sure in the belief that there was going to be a little eye candy as per the above pic, alas this is what we were greeted with....
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Almost had to put the shades on backwards!
I think I will take them Bowling next.
I bet you won't see anything better if you go bowling. Beach volleyball is what you'd be advised to take up in Rio. I don't know whether you have anything similar in your part of the world.
That lassie in the bottom photo looks like she has one helluva back hand...
GB- Unfortunately not, the nearest we have is chav girls in "sports wear" and very large hooped earrings throwing burning tyres over the fence.
Steve-wouldn't want to find out, would you?
She be eatin'. Don't be hatin'. :)
Veg- BIG girls need love too?
cant wait to see her jump the net at the end of the game!!
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