Have any of you noticed that at certain petrol stations you can not get the amount of petrol you want?
Now I am not talking about how in some of the more "seedy" eastern European countries you have to queue for 3 days for a cup petrol and then sell them a kidney.
No its craftier than that,
Our local Sainsbury is huge, no no it is properly mahoosive. Its about 3 acres inside and not only that it has a Marks and Spencer attatched that is of a similar size. Its location on the M25 junction 22 gives it prime location not just for destination shoppers but as a service stop for passing motorists. On a weekend the place is so busy that you queue 20 mins to get in and out of the site, its open 24 hours a day and only closed last year on Christmas and Boxing Day. It is the modern day embodiment of the goddess Artemis..

Come all you hungry and suckle at my many titiies!
There is nothing wrong with success as it is obviously doing very well ....BUT, what I can not abide is the sneaky greedy ways they have of screwing that extra penny out of me.
Every time now for the past few months when I fill up at the petrol station I always aim to get £30.00 of fuel, I find this lasts about a week and is generally what most average users buy. So how is it, and its not just me others have started to notice too, that when you fill up to £29.99 the digital counter reads in increments of 1p but all of a sudden SKIPS £30.00 to £30.01. It is IMPOSSIBLE to dispense £30.00, the machine just wont allow it, believe me I have made it a mission to get £30.00 but it just wont have it.
There are 30 pumps, busy from morning till night and if each one is doing this, adding a sneaky penny to a bill then...
At an average rate of 20 customers an hour each pump would make 20p x that by 24 hours and each punp would make £4.80 per day. X that by 30 pumps thats £144.00 per day... X that by a month £4320.00.... X that by 12 months and all of a sudden our added extra pennies becomes £51,840.00 a year.
From ONE petrol station!!!!!
That would be enough to employ some one who actually spoke English, could afford deodorant and knew how to work the till, yet alas no.
How many other of Sainsbury's petrol stations are doing this, who knows?
But what I do know is that it is wrong.....